Snagging Report
When purchasing a newly built home even with the best intentions some issues can be over looked.
A snagging survey is designed to check for problems with a new-build home.
Developers should fix problems identified in snagging surveys quickly, ideally before you move in.
Unlike traditional house surveys, snagging surveys should pick up everything from minor issues such as doors requiring adjustment or a faulty shower enclosure to more serious, structural problems. Where possible fittings such as bathrooms fixtures and sinks are tested to check for leaks.
The snagging survey should be carried out done in the period between building work being finished and your legal completion date, so the developer has time to fix any snags before you move in.
However, some developers won't allow snagging inspections to be done before completion.
If this is the case with your purchase, you should book in the snagging survey as soon as possible after you've moved in.
Please fill in our online Survey Quote Form here and we will be in touch with a quotation, or contact us on 01603 397055 to discuss your options in more detail.